Demi Lovato Skinny Nudes Before the OD of the Day

Demi Lovato Nude

300 lbs of Demi Lovato staged some leaked nudes, cuz bitch is a mental case, all crazed with fake bipolar disorder and an opiate addiction, in the opiate crisis, that led to her opiate overdose…something that would have destroyed a career of a child star in the past, but that for some reason doesn’t get shamed, is seem as a sickness or disease, rather than a coddled bitch medicating cuz she was whored out to the industry at a young age…

Brands still work with her, fans still go to her concerts, no one has blacklisted her for the terribly human she is.

She’s always been on social media mirroring society. She’d do the whole body positivity don’t body shame thing when she was fat and that was a thing. She’d do the “no make up, no filter” thing when that was a thing, she did the whole slutty selfie after she got skinny during her breakup with Wilmer Valderamma..

So it’s very likely these nudes, that are just nudes, not a big deal…nothing to be ashamed of, especially when they were taken at her ABSOLUTE best shape as she’s a fucking school bus now…one of those thinspiration pics she leaves on her fridge to remember food addiction to replace opiate addiction is bad…but narcissism and fixating on her hottest, no exposed vagina, empowered tits for feminism…is good.

This is dramatically better than ANY Demi Lovato content I’ve ever seen, the angles maybe, so it seems like a good strategy to me and a lesson that skinnier versions of girls is far better than the dumpy version. We already knew that though.

She actually looks good in her nudes, hence why she leaked them.

Demi Lovato Nude


Demi Lovato Skinny Nudes Before the OD of the Day October 18th, 2019